Play Doh

Be Sure To Play....................

One of the key reminders I tell folks is the importance to play, be silly, dance and provide yourself lighthearted bliss. It is so easy to get caught up in the struggle, the race, the trying to figure out the new normal and by all means the news and political media. By allowing ourselves to break the momentum of all that is tiring, stressful and overwhelming - we free ourselves to be open and receptive to the positive around us.

It changes the filter, if you will, to how we receive our day to day challenges.

So today Dear Readers, in the hopes of inspiring you, I share my own treasures that I keep at the ready. The fact that I have a playtime box and am posting it, is the exact silly I refer to. Let go of the “what will others think??? ….and create some fun! Give your mind a break!

From Etch A Sketch, Crayola Crayons and Play-Doh to paddle ball, jacks, Spirograph and slinky, this girl enjoys some nostalgic throwback playtime to get out of a funk, as well as to maintain some levity during changing times!
