Mid-Week Recharge...

Here’s the deal….positive contact with others (NOT the COVID way) is essential and at the same time a bit difficult for some of us to do comfortably. The need to recharge is also essential, so I am pulling the two together and offering an opportunity to do just that online. Doing our part to stop the spread.

Let’s connect, recharge, exhale and perhaps share a bit of laughter!

Sign up for: One or multiple - Wednesday evenings, Mid-Week Recharge via ZOOM. from 7:00PM - 7:45PM via email: mholme.nextstep@gmail.com

Topics will change each week and offer a loose guide. The over arching vision is to provide a place to land, listen, join in…whatever feels comfortable to you! I will share tips, techniques and personal stories of my journey with anxiety and how it makes me who I am….OK sometimes it makes me feel like a wet dish rag and I’m going to share that too. Keeping it real folks! I will offer my insight that encourages reducing stress, feeling motivated, sharing kindness and creating next steps to take on challenges….big and small.

However, be warned I will also share that it’s not always rosy and sometimes I want to poke people in the eye! Just sayin’.

Not sure where Mid-Week Recharge will take us, but come along for the ride….it’s sure going to be more heartwarming and positive than watching the news!

Dash me an email that you would like to join in and I’ll send you the ZOOM link by Tuesday prior to our get together on Wednesday evening. mholme.nextstep@gmail.com

As always, feel free to share my information if you know of someone who can use a boost.

I welcome your emails and invite you to follow me on Instagram mholme.yournextstep for random motivation.

We’ve got this!



Oh PS: for folks that are interested, but timid about ZOOM because you are not sure how it works, email me just the same and we’ll work it out. :)

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September Relaunch

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Having a plan, executing it and waking each morning with the feeling of Christmas is a beautiful season to be in, in your life. A year ago this week, that’s how life was feeling to me. I had launched my vision of Your Next Step. The steps were many and the emotional rollercoaster was ever present…but I had done it!

I greatly enjoyed both group presentations and one on one meetings to help clients sort through a feeling of uncertainty, assist in techniques for organizing their thoughts to feel more productive, share my first hand tips navigating anxiety, as well as provide support, motivation and accountability on their journey.

Then March 2020 came in like a leaf blower in the face!

COVID 19 and all its’ upheaval caused the need to cancel talks, stop seeing clients and for numerous reasons, Your Next Step was put on the back burner. I began the juggle along with the rest of the world to “figure things out” all the while feeling now more than ever people needed to practice self care, receive pep talks, connect with others…….and I wanted to spread the word.

It is my belief that obstacles provide opportunities! In that mindset of opportunities, I am now able to resume connecting with folks via telephone, Zoom, Facetime and outdoors one on one….6 feet apart.

September Relaunch! I am excited to be able to focus on my vision once again to share my passion of providing clients guidance, tips, techniques and creative approaches to set and work toward goals, as well as add levity and calm to the day to day routine.

As always Dear Readers I welcome you to reach out, explore my website, ask questions and please let me know if I can provide motivational support for you or a loved one.

Let’s Talk,


Take The Time...


As I continue my journey (that’s what I like to call my life) I remind myself of the importance of reflection. Doing so serves as a multipurpose function. It brings to light areas and situations I have struggled with in the past, where I have moved forward from and encouragement I discovered back then that still serves me well today.

When personally reflecting and taking that look back, I marvel at what was once challenging and anxiety ridden, that now feels like a breeze. Those “live and learn” nuggets stashed away to retrieve when faced with obstacles. Learning from our past.

Today Dear Readers I share with you my Throw Back Thursday blog post from 2015! The message still resonates with me today and it may be what you are seeking as well. Your Time

Consider This.........................

In order to take steps forward, ease struggles and connect with others….I believe we must stay open minded! Definitely easier said than done…but worth giving a try just the same. Here’s an idea to think about.

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Consider this….when in a stressful situation think about which “lens” you are “seeing” it through! From personal experience I can share that I have viewed troubling matters through an “anxious lens”. By doing so I am skewing the results or interpretation of the situation. It’s about control….I’m working on it.

An example for me that is very stressful, is being on the highway, as a passenger. (don’t even think I would be driving it… but someday I will) Recently on our way home from Connecticut, with a just purchased 20 year old slide in camper in our pick up truck, I cringed, squirmed and winced with every noise, bump and sway. Through my “anxious lens” I anticipated crashes and doom!

Thankfully, I have learned to ease the anxious thoughts by switching over to a “realistic lens” to view stressful scenarios through. Yes, I still have the thoughts, and this “getting the camper home” project was certainly right up there…… have we updated our will….would we be able to get to the side of the highway if not killed instantly. I switched over to the “realistic lens” and assured myself my husband is a prudent driver, the camper is secure, what are the chances anything will happen and my ole reliable Mom still says the prayer of protection over her loved ones, right?

Picture if you will, similar to when you are fitted for prescription eye glass lenses. The optometrist will scroll through a number of lens choices saying “how about this one? and this one, or maybe this one? “

Try that same approach when confronted with a difficult situation, person or challenge. Consider yourself flipping lenses to see the same situation differently through another lens? See through compassion, empathy, rational…there’s so many lenses to consider. Often times it will provide confidence, calm and the skills to take a step to ease the chaos, challenge or obstacle.

Here’s the thing Dear Readers, I am of the reassuring belief that when life is heavy, overwhelming and scary, we can take a breath and adjust our internal lens. It’s amazing all we can see.

Perhaps you’ve had to switch your lens, when reading this about me.

Smiles, Maria

Be Sure To Play....................

One of the key reminders I tell folks is the importance to play, be silly, dance and provide yourself lighthearted bliss. It is so easy to get caught up in the struggle, the race, the trying to figure out the new normal and by all means the news and political media. By allowing ourselves to break the momentum of all that is tiring, stressful and overwhelming - we free ourselves to be open and receptive to the positive around us.

It changes the filter, if you will, to how we receive our day to day challenges.

So today Dear Readers, in the hopes of inspiring you, I share my own treasures that I keep at the ready. The fact that I have a playtime box and am posting it, is the exact silly I refer to. Let go of the “what will others think??? ….and create some fun! Give your mind a break!

From Etch A Sketch, Crayola Crayons and Play-Doh to paddle ball, jacks, Spirograph and slinky, this girl enjoys some nostalgic throwback playtime to get out of a funk, as well as to maintain some levity during changing times!


In The Beginning.......

When “this” all started I decided to snap pictures in order to capture what social distancing, quarantining and lock down looked like, for me. Well, pictures of the good stuff at least. I wanted to remember and preserve this unique time in my personal history. Equally important, I wanted a task that would distract, occupy and guide me to focus on the positive. A purpose and a put into practice “what I preach” plan.

For those who have attended my talks or participated in one on one sessions with me, know….I find great benefits and personal reward in breaking down goals and tasks into achievable, smaller steps, one at a time! Keeping a Next Step plan on my radar to master the larger challenge - motivates, satisfies and aids in keeping my anxiety manageable.

Take a look at previous blog posts for detailed inspiration of my Start A Notebook tips.

Challenge levels range, but each need a process of breaking them down, just the same. Truth be told, getting off the couch during a raging pandemic, while not working and a Netflix subscription can be challenging busters when the goal is to be vertical.

Each of the pictures represent moments that stood out to me…from needing to design and email a digital card to my Mom for Mother’s Day since I wouldn’t be seeing her, to creating a Time Capsule that I tossed under our porch during one of the many “At Holme” projects, to board games, breakfast in the greenhouse, decorating our door for a delightful 2 year old that came around in her wagon each day with her parents…...well she was in the wagon….. not her parents, to keeping our patio social distancing ready to welcome friends once we felt comfortable - outside only…and garden therapy in the yard to occupy my ever present swirling thoughts .

All were times that I chose to find the happy, at times breaking it into steps and made it a point to look up…literally, that is when I noticed a cloud passing the chimney at the perfect time to appear as smoke. It’s all how you look at it.

So Dear Readers, today I share these pictures to show some the ways I passed the time, insight to motivate you and the ever present invite to please let me know if there is something I can assist you with. Give it some thought. Let’s chat!

DISCLAIMER: Photos below are of the happy times! Please note……There were tears of sadness, mourning of the “normal” life and times of frustration and fear. Chose not to photograph them, but keeping it real and want you to know they happen too.

Seeking a Positive...the GOOD Kind!

Just when you think you have a plan figured out…..there’s a change up, that’s beyond your control….or is it? Yes, we need to stay home, yes we need to be removed from loved ones that live outside of our home and yes we’re missing Easter traditions, weddings, graduations….but how we interpret the obstacles of social distancing, is in our control….. by trying to Stay Positive helps me!

Now that being said, I must very quickly add…..and speaking from first hand experience, “easier said than done.” For me Dear Readers, the struggle has been real too….There have been ups and downs…on repeat.

Today I share some of my own survival/maintenance tips to get over the humps and navigate the choppy waters.


Restorative S.O.S.: Something Of Substance for me! Curling up with a cup of tea and a book. Coloring, Quilling or Doodling all calm me. “My Meditating” which is probably different from many…… and some my not call it meditating…….because goodness knows, quieting the noise and static is no easy task. I still however, sit, as peacefully as I can, listen to a guided meditation app on my phone. I particularly like Present and Peaceful from the Apple Store because it has options based on time I have to listen. My S.O.S time is my time to recharge myself that then allows me to take on the moments that feel a bit more intense and I am able to face obstacles with a glass half full type of lens.


Be A Bright Light: Create the positive! It brings me joy to brighten a moment in someone’s day. A phone call, a text, a little sidewalk chalk, to let them know they matter to me! Take it off myself and offer it up to someone else.

Laughing and Feel Good Moments: Find your thing! When in a Corona funk, I like to watch a feel good Flash Mob video or a news cast blooper video. My recent favorite is this one at the 16:30 mark. That part was laugh out loud…. to me. Find what makes you laugh/feel good and do it! No lie some trash TV works it’s way in there for me too…because it’s mindless and distracts me….teeheehee


Notebook Tracking: From my previous post you can see I like to organize my thoughts/ tasks in a notebook. An additional step for me it is to track my progress as I go. It serves as motivation…in a “here’s your gold star, Maria”. I need to look into the child within, who didn’t get what she needed, theory at some point. So yes, I print out gemstones to be colored in as I accomplish a Next Step. I also write down the step so I can look back, see how and what I did to accomplish it!

Mindful Of My Words: Thinking before I speak is a more positive way to go! Let’s face it, it’s an adjustment being home with a spouse for a longer period of time. Love him dearly…… but, it can’t be just me getting occasionally grumbly about togetherness. Don’t get me wrong, I realize I am truly Blessed to be sheltering in place with such a great guy! So I choose my words carefully and opt for the ones that are positive or at least sandwiched with positive on either side. For example dirty dishes in the sink…again! When I don’t think before speaking it comes out “Sweet Mary Mother are you kidding me?! The dishwasher is right there! When I remind myself to think before speaking and use the sandwich method, it sounds more like. First slice of bread……“So glad you found something to eat, the “meat” of the message…. think you could put your dishes directly into the dishwasher every time….other slice of bread……. you look great in that bathrobe.” We will get through this togetherness time, with patience, compassion, and consideration….during COVID19 and beyond!


Dear Readers I encourage you to create personal survival techniques (for now and always) that work for you, be kind to your awesome self, brighten someone’s day and know you are not in this alone. Reach out to others, have video visits with friends and family, sniff Play Doh, dance and by all means stay home and Enjoy! Here if you need me.

Be Well!



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While we buckle up on this current roller coaster ride of life, it is a wonderful time to realize…. obstacles allow for opportunities!

Through the ever changing guidelines of limitations, it is expected we feel the obstacles of being restricted, confined and limited. Here’s a thought….How about you consider seeing these obstacles through the lens of opportunities?

Now is an ideal time to organize your thoughts to take advantage of time on your hands. It is my belief that the universe is speaking to us. Allowing us time of personal discovery, to reconnect, recharge and strengthen bonds with ourselves and others…with honoring social distancing of course.

Today I’d like to share how I jump start and maintain motivation, when feeling overwhelmed and “where to start” creeps in. For me breaking it down into steps makes all the difference.

It’s time to Start A Notebook:
As we practice social distancing and need to stay positive, I recommend starting a notebook to Organize Your Thoughts. I find it calms and motivates me.

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Grab a notebook or journal that you already have at home.

Create sections/Title Pages in your notebook/journal that best meets your needs. A few of mine are “To Do”, “ Project to tackle”, “Someday Dream”, “ Gratitude”, “Brain dump”, “Online Time”. Sometimes I like to make tabs for my sections for easy sorting. (pictured above)

Decorate or Not I like to add some color, my own creative flare. Washi tape, markers, gel pens and stickers makes organizing my thoughts more enjoyable. but here’s the thing it’s your notebook! Make it however you want!

No Pressure - Originally, when trying to make my notebooks look like bullet journals and prestige planners that I saw online, I was overwhelmed and intimidated…well that certainly defeated the purpose to feel calm, organized and productive with my thoughts. I decided MY way was the best….translated YOUR way is the best way! So messy, with mistakes, crossing out, it all works. The idea is to reduce pressure and reap the benefits of Organizing Your Thoughts.

Set up the notebook today with the steps above. If you can, sit tight on filling lists in. I have some tips and techniques on those parts too. By all means have at it if you’re feeling jazzed and want to write out the lists, thoughts etc. Remember this is YOUR notebook….YOUR way! My next post will include Next Steps. Enjoy the process!

Dear Readers create moments in your day that nurture and comfort you! What will you do?


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It’s a new day and I wake with my customary, now habit, smile before I open my eyes. My belief is that this practice jump starts my thoughts and sets the intention “I will find the good”, “I will make the efforts needed to keep the glass 1/2 full”, “I am filled with gratitude”.

During the past week, the second after I smile, my mind is flooded with anxious thoughts and I quickly calibrate: we are not living in typical times right now. We are in a world filled with a deadly virus, with restrictions to the likes of “nothing I’ve seen in my lifetime” my Mom shared yesterday.

As a result of these times, my efforts are met with resistance of my own doing. I then muster up a self pep talk and know, I must be more deliberate, more intentional and more focused to achieve the positive results. So through the overwhelming, tiring and downright crippling at times feelings of my anxious brain, now more than ever, I need to view life through a positive lens. I must process and practice what I know is helpful to me in maintaining a “steady on “ healthy emotional balance, today and every day.

Knowing for certain that I’m not alone with these feelings, I’ve decided to reach out with my personal thoughts, tips & techniques to ease these unsettling times. My goal is to bring comfort, support, reassurance and hopefully a bit of levity in some posts, to those thinking it’s just them. How I wish someone told me that 30 plus years ago. You’re NOT alone!

At this time when we are requested to stay apart, lets join together! Let’s find the good, be grateful, kind and compassionate….and by all means keep it going long after the strain has lifted. This is us…in training!

Be Well Dear Readers!

Take a look at the previous blog series I wrote, where I share my ideas to Connect With Your Life!