
how wonderful it would be…

….if a compass was assigned to each of us, guiding and leading us in the direction we should go in our lives. However, consider for a moment, that the contrary offers more opportunities. Often it is from NOT knowing something, we learn more about ourselves!

Whether you are experiencing a feeling of stuck, wanting to move forward in some aspect of your life or a place of ambivalence, know that making your own discoveries is available to you !

Consider taking time for exploring and capturing thoughts and ideas that pique your interest.

The Basic 101 instruction I share with clients who are looking to make some kind of change, is to start a 3 or 5 subject notebook and begin your discoveries. Sure you can use your phone’s NOTES app, but this rockin’ it ‘ole school gal likes the tactile experience, pen to paper, having customized sections with tabs, along with flipping back through the pages to reread and learn from previous entries.

For a week or so, make time daily to gather your thoughts of interests from years gone by, as well as currently.

Let your mind wander and ask yourself, “if I had extra hours each week, how would I spend that time?” Write those answers down!

Start by capturing your thoughts, dreams and wishes in one place and in writing!

Let daydreaming take place and feel the tiniest shift, as you begin taking Your Next Step!
