It's Hygge Time ~ 2023

Here in New England the weather is changing! We are closer to pumpkin everything! Coffee, hot chocolate, candles, you name it! Fall is approaching and with it……all things cozy!

This year I am embracing Hygge! Here’s the thing…imagine my delight when I realized I was “doing it” all along and now I know the name for it. Living in a mindset around the importance of family, friends, being in the moment, along with cozy and comfort. I’m a no itchy tag on my clothes gal, BIG yes to cozy socks for myself and for friends when visiting my home…whatever it takes to convey this is about connections and not if the bathroom is clean…ok I DO clean the bathroom before visitors arrive…but not necessarily wash dishes in the sink. I do have priorities!

In November I will be conducting a Hygge presentation at two libraries: These are open to the public and I would love for you to join in! So go ahead and register for a spot.

Here is a brief description:

This relaxing presentation provides insight into Hygge and cozy lifestyle practices, just in time for the holidays. Ideas of sentimental gift giving, relaxing get togethers (oh it’s a thing) along with well-being practices that are Hygge inspired, will be offered.

Attendees will enjoy a relaxing experience that includes warm cider, cozy textures and making a small craft as a gentle reminder to create the moments that matter. 

Being a huge fan of libraries and all they bring to a community, I’m eager to say: You DO NOT need to live in the community or have a library card to attend this event!

You do however need to register, (see button above) so we can be cozy and ready.

So let’s get ready for the true holiday spirit!

Questions welcome, just let me know what you’re thinking.

It’s Not MY Anxiety

A peek inside anxiety….I offer a vulnerable experience…..I have many.

Bermuda Or Bust…..

…and by “bust” I mean myself exploding at even the thought of traveling. Let me create an image for you to assist in visualizing my comfort zone…because right about now if you are an eager traveler and a go with the flow type of person, it is close to impossible for you to imagine anything other than “jumping on a plane” and going to a tropical destination for a special celebration.

Important to know: I’m an inside kitty! I like cozy, predictable, comfortable and yes able to control situations…and a BIG contributor to being this adorable and at times cranky inside kitty is Anxiety. [Quick side note: for years I called it “MY anxiety” and then I realized that “MY” claims it too much as if something I want, so I have rephrased it to “the” anxiety holds me back or a favorite “anxiety is my bitch!”]

There was a time when anxiety kept me frozen and NOT able to function and certainly not able to enjoy life. Fast forward 15 years and I am embracing and participating in life with flexible perimeters, expanding my comfort zones and empowering others…... along with, my still always learning. I like to say “ I have gone from crippled to vertical and enjoying vertical so much more.

So back to Bermuda or Bust….in 1989 my now husband and I married and traveled only 70 miles by car to Cape Cod for our honeymoon, because there was no way I could plan or even think about going anywhere further and certainly not by plane as my throat closed up, the smell of ammonia filled my nostrils and my heart raced at even the thought. See how that is one long run on sentence because the anxiousness creeps in just reliving it to tell you.

A few weeks before the wedding, I assured my oh so understanding husband to be that “on our 25th anniversary we’ll go to Bermuda”. Through the anxious thoughts I took comfort in knowing it was soooo far away. Besides I had more immediate stressors to deal with…we were planning a wedding in 9 weeks.

By making the “on our 25th” statement, I basically eased the moment internally and made a promise for the future. Anyone who suffers from panic and anxiety may be able to identify the “promise making crutch” that some of us utilize when trying to survive a panic attack and want to live through it. So yup that’s what I did “we’ll go to Bermuda for our 25th” .

I let it slip my mind….until around year 23 when I realized 25 was quickly approaching.

It was a different time now in my mind. I wanted to figure out how I could make this monumental (to me) trip happen. My husband had never mentioned it again and was navigating the anxious years with me, so I figured, in his mind going to Bermuda was not an option. I really wanted this ~ for him, for me, for us!

I turned to a couple of friends I felt I could be vulnerable with and expressed my limitation and implemented a team Bermuda plan. We did the leg work exploring “easiest” details to expedite this venture, bunch of envisioning my self there in a visual exposure kind of way and created steps to make it happen. When feeling confident, I made the announcement to my DH. This was happening! In 2014 we bought the airline tickets, made the hotel accommodations and delighted that this would finally be happening…our honeymoon away!

Now it was the night before leaving….we went to bed excited and eager….wait for it…I woke in the dark when the alarm went off, rolled over and whispered to my dear husband….“I can’t go”!! The room was spinning, my throat was closing and my ears were buzzing. My body had been ramping up for a full blown panic attack WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!

Not being his first rodeo with navigating panic with me, he calmly said “why don’t you go take a cool shower.” I learned later, that while I was in the shower, he loaded the car with our luggage. He was confident or at least oh so hopeful. He knew he had to remove the obstacle of my feeling that I had no choice…all self imposed on my part.

The shower calmed me slightly. He suggested “how about we take a ride to the airport to see how that feels?” While he showered, I sat outdoors on the back step, blew bubbles from a plastic wand and as I watched them drift away, repeated “I will let this fear go”. I wanted to go!! I wanted to conquer this dread.

He emerged from the house and I let him know we were doing this! We headed out to the airport. My heart and mind continued to race, I was clammy, light headed and non verbal…….AND determined to get there. The car ride to the airport felt difficult and really long, have I mentioned at that time in my life I avoided highways as a driver or passenger, because that too produced sheer panic.

We arrived at the ticket check in counter and I’m literally in tears as we are cheerfully greeted by the airline representative. She asks if I’m ok, I whimper a YES that apparently wasn’t convincing enough because her next question was “are you going on your own free will”?

As I mustered up a more confident yes, a supervisor aware of my less than zealous demeanor for going to a beautiful location, walks over and asks in a very pleasant voice “everything ok here”? I explained yes and that anxiety was making it challenging. The supervisor quickly offered “comforting” words and said she would reach out to the flight crew to “let them know I was coming” and without missing a beat the first person who was checking us in said “oh I already have” in a voice that let me know that they were following some type of protocol for troubled flyers and I must have a large flag on my head. Ugh!

After mastering check in I popped a doctor prescribed pill I had in my pocket and we walked…. ever so reluctantly - correction I was reluctant…… onto the inside tunnel of sorts that gets you onto the plane. I recall walking 10 steps behind Mark as I made my way rolling my carry on. He periodically looked over his shoulder to which I repeatedly responded “I’m still here” knowing he was checking if I had bolted.

We were welcomed onto what I considered….“the point of no return” by very jovial attendants who said they “were expecting us” and would lead us to our seats. I remember seeing faces of passengers already seated and knowing my tears confused them or it was their frustration because I waited until FINAL, FINAL, NO REALLY, FINAL CALL TO BOARD…I was who everyone was waiting for. More dread.

As I proceeded down the aisle I felt a release of the fight or flight panic, I welcomed the results of the “take the edge off” pill and the envisioning and breathing practices I had worked on…oh and humming to distract myself and send messages to my brain that I can do this! I slid into my seat, held on to my husband’s hand for dear life and prepared for take off!

As I “settled in” I still felt frightened though it had eased ever so slightly, I was able to release the dread and I could recognize a sense of accomplishment…because I wasn’t still at home! that to me signified success. Though it didn’t look pretty I had gotten myself on the plane - with understandably the love and support of my dear husband, Mark.

The trip had a lot of beautiful moments where I needed to pinch myself to know it was really me in Bermuda, experiencing this and at the same time scary to me moments too. Both can be true!

The first day we set off to explore the island, we found this stunning beach with not another soul in sight. It was our paradise, our 25th and the spot for my signature kiss. I knew I had arrived!

Dear Readers, if you have read this far, I thank you and hope you found either insight, comfort/validation in knowing you are not alone or perhaps understanding into the struggles of a loved one or even a tip or two how to ease stressful moments.

Anxiety looks different on different people. As we keep our hearts and minds open, for both ourselves and other’s journey, together we will grow and spread our wings.

Resources available to guide and ease the path…Let’s Connect

….and remember…Be Kind To Your Awesome Self Today!

Best Always,


The ” I Did It” Kiss

2014 ~ 25 years of wedded bliss and anxious struggles

Outwardly sheer delight and I certainly was happy, while simultaneously experiencing extreme turbulence on the inside. Both can be true!

Where It Started

One of the very first times I jumped in without my floaties and opened my heart to sharing with the world and even more scary, those around me, my inner thoughts that felt vulnerable yet oh so authentic, was when I started a blog!

As vibration builds around creating a Women’s Day Retreat , I reflect on that afternoon 12 years ago when I similarly reminded myself to BREATHE!

I was at a point in my life when my sons didn’t need me the same way. (Insert mini pang) They were 16 and 20 and by all indications didn’t want my help anymore. I was working part time at our local library and we were tasked with “teach yourself something in technology that you have no idea about”!

At the time I’m sure I grumbled with feeling overwhelmed with what I didn’t know, but was told to figure out.

I chose to learn how to write a blog! The format, design and computer “how to” was mine for the learning- which included head banging and frustration. As I put basics together and got to the point of selecting a name for my blog…I looked at a blank screen. I had been lost in mom mode for 20 years and I’m saying it right here….I felt lost when it came to ME! I asked myself “what do you have to talk about”?? I pondered a bit and then replied: Wait I’m more than a mom! I have More Than Mom Thoughts! and there it was dear readers….. my first blog was born!

A few years later Connect With Your Life blog followed and then in 2019 the launch of my business Your Next Step.

So peeps I’m here to say….do the things that scare you. Jump In Without Your Floaties! Be genuine to yourself and others and you will learn along the way that there are possibilities for the taking and creating! I am now blessed with hosting workshops, 1:1 client coaching and so much more based on emotional well-being, organizing thoughts and motivation to take your next step, whatever that looks like for you. For some it’s getting out of bed, others adding joy into their lives, tackling a dream or goal and some what to do after retirement. The core to accomplish each is discovering self care practices in a way you never thought of before.

I now sit a month away from my Women’s Day Retreat that I am creating and breathing life into! The passion and vibration is palpable!

So go ahead and read some of my older blog posts that share stories, tips, techniques around wellness and insight to what got me here and perhaps aha! moments for YOU! (Once on the blog page you can see a list of years of posts, if you wish.)

Let’s Connect!

Best wishes always,


Allow Those Daydreams Full Access…

Daydreaming has been a wonderful pastime of mine for many years. There is something that comes over us when we slip out of the day to day and allow ourselves limitless thinking. No roadblocks, no negative self talk, no chiming in of others doubts to derail our ideas.

At this moment I reflect on journals, from about 10 years ago, and relive the daydreams of creating a women’s day retreat! An opportunity to share aha! moments to relax, recharge, create and connect!

A daydream comes to life when you share it with others…and oh Dear Readers I am very close to doing just that! Securing the date and venue will hopefully take place this week and then shouting it from the roof tops I will be!


Lessons From The Weekend

Perhaps before I share the lessons, I should share a few things I confirmed. 

  • Being an “inside kitty” is just who I am.

  • Routine, structure and knowing what to expect, comforts me.

  • My immediate family members enjoy outdoor physical activity and adventure.

  • The sound I make when I climb into bed each night, clearly reflects how much I love my bed.

 Now the weekend lessons. Let me start by saying that my family and I went camping this past weekend. Yup that’s right and now I bet the confirmations I listed above make much more sense.

Full disclosure, I was not in a tent, but a pop up camper (that slides into the back of our pick up truck) there’s a mattress and all but let’s just say no sounds of joy were released when I climbed into the bed, which is above the cab of the truck….so the climbing is not graceful…especially during the night when this midlife bladder comes a callin’, not once but twice.

Home now from our two night earth dwelling stay, I am able to confidently share the lessons I was reminded of:

  • Going beyond my comfort zone feels extremely anxious, but satisfying too. Having both feelings at the same time really is possible.

  • When shared with family…..scrambled eggs, hash browns and orange zinger tea, from an enamel blue and white speckled coffee pot, in 41 degrees, tastes way better than breakfast at home. Oh and apple pie is a comfort food appetizer to breakfast while discussing the close proximity of the pack of coyotes heard while “trying to sleep” the night before.

  • Walking more slowly, with the intent of “what can I find” leads to beautiful, reflective observations.

  • The love of being with my family gives me strength to go beyond anxious limitations.

So will I go again?? You can be sure I will!! 

Experience shared Dear Readers so you may reflect on what is limiting for you and take it on anyway. You may just see, the beautiful observations come from within. 

Be Kind To Your Awesome Self Today!




Yeah But...The Sunny Side!

You want a change! You want “things” to feel different! You want to start doing something or the all nagging you want to stop doing something!

To get from here to there we need to take steps. They can be big steps, they can be little steps and as I said to a client this week…there’s even nano-steps that take us places.

Today I share with you Dear Readers the most basic steps you can adopt to begin to make a change, to release a pressure, feel a change and do or not do the damn thing that gnaws at you.

STEP 1: Shout, outload what IT is! Go ahead I’ll wait…even if you don’t know what IT is……shout outload “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HECK IT IS!” Or perhaps you do know and you shout “I WANT TO HAVE MORE TIME TO DO THINGS FOR ME!”

STEP 2: Throughout the day be aware of SELF TALK to get you on your way to results! Notice each time your thoughts go in a negative direction of “ I can’t do that”, “ I’m too much of a klutz to take dance lessons”…Nip It, Nip It, Nip It! Did your Mom ever say….”If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!?” Well my Mom did, but what I didn’t learn until my later years is….my self talk mind says whatever the dang thing it wants, goodness knows, whenever the heck it wants, without me specifically telling it. We must work harder (but oh so worth it ) to outsmart that negative chatter!

STEP 3: Yeah But Follow Up! Once you become aware of the negative thoughts that pop up, respond with a Yeah But to complete the thought! Here’s an example “No way I can do that, I’m not good with computers….WAIT FOR IT……YEAH BUT, I’m making changes to think positively and can definitely begin to learn how to share an attachment on an email!” Or how about “there’s no time for me, everybody just takes from me……. YEAH BUT, my emotional and physical wellbeing is up to me and I choose positive results!” Boom! drop the mic!

The more you can rewire your self talk, to be a voice of reassurance, positivity and kick ass motivation, the more beneficial your steps will be and they will take you in the right direction….even if you are not sure, YET, where you want to go!

Best Always!


BONUS FOOTAGE: What are your thoughts?? I am thinking about holding periodic, virtual Let’s Get Positive with Self Talk, group chats. Still designing it and looking to see if that is something you would think of dropping in on? Would love to get your input how that could feel like a match and be comfortable to attend. Please email, message, or text me….links below or in CONTACT tab above. Many thanks!

Making ‘22 About YOU!

Imagine for a moment….starting the day with a smile and a feeling of hope and positive possibilities? Your nagging thoughts and trying to remember your To Do list has drifted off! There is a lightness that accompanies your mind and you just noticed the pattern of frost on your windshield is truly a work of art!

Now really challenge your thoughts…..It’s happening, the glass is half full more often than not….You're smiling under your mask and you’re seeing more clearly the power of easing overwhelming thoughts and the joy it brings, to yourself and those around you!

That Dear Readers is what 2022 can be for you! Self awareness on a daily basis and the important role it plays emotionally and physically in your life. The past two years have been very challenging and it was easy to get lost somewhere in the midst of the chaos. It’s time to quiet the chaos….It’s time for a change….It’s time for YOU!

Through coaching style sessions, together, we will explore obstacles…..psst I’ll tell you something now….I view obstacles as opportunities to challenge ourselves to discover solutions. Through insight and creating manageable steps we will:

  • Explore mindset, attitude and personal discovery of self awareness, as a vehicle to accomplish tasks, dreams and goals.

  • One of the most important aspects will be when you experience aha! moments that percolate into looking forward to what each new day holds.

You can check out client’s experiences here.

It’s time to jumpstart 2022 and feel the joy of clarity, lightness and levity by taking Your Next Step!

I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call, so I may share more information and answer your questions. One I can answer now is “Yes, virtual sessions are offered”.

Click on the Let’s Connect link here or below.

Together making 2022 About YOU!

Best Always, 


Let’s Connect

Calm Before Fruitcake!

For many, the very thought of the calendar changing to November opens flood gates of stress, flashbacks of how it has felt in the past and curling up to shut it all out.

I am here to say …picture instead if you will….November and December being filled with lightness, levity, gatherings of memories in the making ( real positive memories that is, not Aunt Judy showing up an hour late and it sends you in a tailspin because the yam and pralines are burnt) back to the good memories…heartfelt gifts to be savored for years to come!

A quick check in may reveal, I would imagine, that if you had it your way the holiday season would be more of a Hallmark card or movie for that matter, rather than a horrific battle of “have to” lists, leaf blower in your face of thoughts that hinder you from getting anything done and shopping for the person that has everything… but do they really, though????

Let’s entertain (pun intended) an alternative approach to all that feels overwhelming and off putting around the holidays.

For you to consider: The images to the left allow for shifting mindset potential. The first invites you to attend any - all… upcoming online Zoom hangouts. Jump on any Wednesday evening in November & December.

The second image will be our touchpoints that I have insight and stories to share that may just provide relief…whether that be comedic or stress relief!

So what do you say….there is still plenty of time to create the holiday vibe you dream of having….and here’s the thing…if it’s not to that level it’s still going to feel a whole lot better because you are taking steps to ease what overwhelms you and how you look at it! Just taking the 45 minutes each Wednesday night will start to feel good. Laughter, lightness and levity will prevail

Dash me an email, text, DM for the link, ask questions or share a story or two you may have.

Let’s Do This…together!

Decoder Ring Not Needed!

Fall is the air here in New England! As seasons change I frequently find myself wanting to make personal changes. Discover something new! Breathe life into something I have enjoyed in the past. Often feelings of wanting to start something different scurry through my thoughts…ok maybe scurry is a false representation…more like a chipmunk feverishly gathering, dashing and storing…though two legs are missing and she is not making any progress. You with me?

That’s when I channel… or really, really wish for a decoder ring to magically appear, to help me crack the code Scooby.

But now wait for it……I have! Over the years I have discovered and worked with clients in creating and taking steps, however big or small we can establish momentum that leads to clarity and motivation…and damn that feels good! Be mindful now, this is not in a flip a switch kind of thing…..Is anything really? The journey can be the enjoyable part, that’s my experience!

Starting the day or the night before as a client recently shared…with the intention that you choose to see and be the positive, begins to serve as a beacon and a welcoming light.

My wish for you Dear Readers is to embrace the knowledge that there are steps at the ready for you! Pressure can be released! Smiles can fill your heart and you do not have to figure it out yourself! Whether it is feeling stuck, overwhelmed or wanting more…. there is a way. Know that steps will begin to unravel the ball of twine that have become one big knot, that holds you back.

Reach out and let me show you how. Message me for a complimentary motivation session to get you started!

Make your day mean something!

Peek Inside!


Saturday sneak peek inside: Wonder what puts this big smile on my face? I'll tell you....the moments before I jump on a 1:1 client call, (or start a presentation for that matter) I feel my vibration rise. It starts to percolate as I think about the amazing possibilities and what will be discovered during our work together. Here’s the thing… I feel it so strongly, because I believe it so deeply!

Let me try to somewhat of a concise manner, something that can even begin to harness the feelings into words.

“There is a palpable feeling within me, that beats in rhythm with my heart. It is made up of compassion, personal insight and an innate desire to ease emotional limitations and road blocks that keep others overwhelmed, scared and limited.”

I have worked with a variety of people that couldn't "put their finger on it" but knew they needed to ease pressure they felt day to day! They wanted more understanding and more smiles.

Through client sessions, I have seen both steps and discoveries being made that provide levity, joy and a whole lot of aha moments.

Together we have been able to facilitate easing anxiety, decision making and implementing time blocking strategies to go after tasks and goals of their desires.

Having an objective person, with a compassionate heart to listen, guide and say "I've got you" is a wonderful place to start. Here I am….for you! 

Wishing I had someone say those words to me years ago, is what has led me to this work. Perhaps you or someone you know would like to chat and feel the ease of Your Next Step.

 This vibration and positive energy is ready for you! Let me show you.

Want to learn more.…just call/ text or email to set up a complimentary Discovery Call.

Let’s Connect & Do This!

Online Event - Add Lightness To Your Day

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Excited to be hosting this FREE online Eventbrite class! Add Lightness To Your Day! Tips, motivation and guidance to ease anxiety. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd 7:00PM

Details below and sign up information HERE

Sharing my tips, techniques and stories that have gotten me from anxiety that stopped me in my tracks to living with it daily and thriving!

About this Event

In this informal, online event, I will candidly share some of my how to tips & techniques, so you can try what may work best for you.

My goal is to provide motivation to incorporate levity, lightness and smiles in your day, to ease constant anxiety and allow you to come up for air.

My belief is, I came through this journey with all it's pain, tears and questions to be able to share it and empower others who are trying to figure things out. It's my story, my journey and my hope that you will benefit from it!

I invite you to attend. Please feel free to just listen, ask questions, camera off or on. It really is about you feeling comfortable in order to open your heart and mind to finding something that can bring lightness to your day.

I welcome your emails with questions prior to, or after the event.

You will receive an informational email 48 hours before the event which will include the link.

Cheers to YOU for looking out for YOU!

Save the toothpaste!

Wait! Close your eyes and smile first!.png

YUCK! Keeping it real and sharing that some mornings just start sour, even before getting out of bed. Not really sure how that happens. That whole “wrong side of the bed” really makes me wonder. Can anyone relate??

Several years ago I noticed this pattern of “first morning ughs” and realized it did not serve me well ! Waking and feeling down set the tone before I even put my feet on the floor. You can be pretty sure that nothing after that had a fighting chance of going well. “Someone squeezed the toothpaste in the middle”? ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME?!?! You get the larger picture I mean here, right?

If you can relate, you may want to give this a try… Here’s a practice I adopted years ago to jumpstart a positive start to my morning. Now those of you who have attended my talks know what I am about to say….wait for it….

Before opening my eyes in the morning, I Smile! :) Yup I put a big ole smile on my face and say something like “today I will look for the good and embrace the positive!” Doing this allows time for the endorphins from my oh so silly smile, to give me a mini boost.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this little tip is a “cure all” for the day. I’d bottle THAT real quick if it was. What I am saying is, each time we make a conscious effort for a positive thought/moment, we are sending an awesome message to our brain. Doing so allows ourselves a break from the “heavy”.

Throughout the day I may randomly close my eyes…good Lord not while driving… and repeat my morning practice. Another silly smile and another reminder that I’ve got this!

Come on give it a try:

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Put a big smile on your face…so big you feel it in your ears! Feel that flutter of “different”?!?

  3. Say something like “I embrace noticing the positive and will strive for a joyful heart”

  4. Open eyes

  5. Repeat at least 5-6 time a day

Extra Credit: When in another person’s company, and conversation is proving to be very challenging and stressful…go ahead close your eyes and do the steps above! It relives you momentarily from the stress of the person in front of you and there’s a comical bonus. Imagine the look on their face when they wonder what the heck you are doing??? After all we’re going for levity in our hearts!

For doses of motivation, guidance and sometimes quirky, follow me on Instagram.

Just imagine if we all master this now, once we are mask free there’s going to be a whole lot of visible smiles and lighter hearts for so many reason!

Thanks so much for reading and please reach out of you’d like to chat.

Wellness Wednesday

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As many of you know, I recently had the pleasure of speaking with a reporter on behalf of Help and Hope Southcoast in regards to my own emotional journey about getting from “there” to “here” . You can read that interview here.

The organization’s tag line is End Stigma. Strengthen Mental Health. To me this statement holds great power to ease the questions of reaching out for help and what others will think.

Today, on this Wellness Wednesday, I share this remarkable resource of Help and Hope Southcoast with you and the assurance that you are not alone! Consider viewing their website to see all that they can offer on your journey.

Please remember, I am available to motivate through creative conversation in order to organize anxious thoughts and be productive, through tips, techniques and sprinkling your day with levity. Reach me here to learn more and put some steps in place for you.

As always, thanks for reading and I’m here to chat when you need support.



Hello 2021.... and Thank You to SOME of 2020

As we say goodbye to 2020 I have chosen to embrace the positive, acknowledge and learn from the painful and welcome 2021 with a hopeful heart. There was loss, levity, tears and triumphs!

Two of the many special moments of last year, pictured below.

It serves me well to focus on the positive…..glean from the painful and say Hello 2021. Join me, won’t you?!

A dear friend shared this great quote he found. Thanks Bill!

“Hope is the first word the future hears.” Photographer, Arno Rafarl Minkkinen

After so long inside……..A morning walk to feel the wind in my hair and see the Lupines in bloom at The Seekonk Meadows……. even decided wear a floral dress for this special occasion!

After so long inside……..A morning walk to feel the wind in my hair and see the Lupines in bloom at The Seekonk Meadows……. even decided wear a floral dress for this special occasion!

Still cherishing the moment we saw this hummingbird mama bringing food to her sweet little babe in the nest.  This was a daily delight to watch for a few weeks….providing a lifetime memory!.

Still cherishing the moment we saw this hummingbird mama bringing food to her sweet little babe in the nest. This was a daily delight to watch for a few weeks….providing a lifetime memory!.

Together While Apart

In the Spirit of creating joy this week of Christmas, I share with you Dear Readers a letter I sent to family and friends a couple of weeks ago. It’s a tradition that speaks to the meaning of Christmas for me and this year I’m choosing to share it with others….even more! Please join in if it speaks to you!


Greetings Family and Friends!

In looking to spread good cheer, I got to thinking that since this holiday season will be very different and many folks can’t be together….physically anyway - let’s be Together While Apart!

Some of you know the tradition here at the Holme home, from when the boys were very little, has been “preparing baby Jesus’ bed for Christmas Eve” during advent. Warms this Mamma’s heart that it continues even now that they are grown and out of the house. You can read a post on a previous blog I wrote that speaks to the joy of continuing the tradition.

Doing so includes receiving a piece or pinch of straw for doing random acts of kindness, good deeds and brightening someone’s day. 

I still have vivid memories from when they were very young of finding my side of the bed turned down or fresh toothpaste ready for me on my toothbrush. :)

When the boys were of school age, sharing included how they let a classmate go first on the slide or held the door open for someone. Good deeds of recent years for me include delivering cranberry bread to staff at a doctor’s office or reaching something on the top shelf at the market for a struggling customer…ah to not be in a covid world, baking for others and being in the market….I yearn for those days.

So how about, in a way for us to be together in a joyful spirit….whoever is interested in joining in…….can brighten someone’s day, however you like, how often you like and then just dash me a text, call or email that just says “put a piece or a pinch of straw in for me” !

Ideas that don’t involve leaving the house…. call someone who you haven’t spoken with in a while, surprise a loved one at home - you decide how, leave a note for your mail delivery person, make cards, rock it ‘ole school and send a handwritten letter to a friend, family member, or former teacher, boss or mentor!

However, you and perhaps your family members too, want to participate is great -  just keep it with pandemic safe guidelines in mind!

On Christmas Eve we sing Happy Birthday as we put the baby Jesus in place, knowing our hearts and his bed are ready to receive.

The picture above shows good deeds are underway… oh and a very favorite picture of my sister and I! Yes I’ve let my bangs grow out…and have had many hairstyles in between.

Can’t tell you the joy I felt this week when my Dad called, from his assisted living apartment and said “put a piece in for me”! I haven’t seen him in person or hugged him since March…my heart smiled to know he was joining in and that we are in joyful Spirit….Together While Apart!

So go ahead brighten someone’s day and believe me it will your own too. Then if you like send me a message on FB, text or call me 401-499-6764 and just let me know “put a piece or pinch of straw in for me” and I will add some because of you!

Let’s be “Together While Apart”

Blessings of the Season!


My Discovery - Inspiration

Warms my heart.jpg

Each piece tells a part of my story!

Today’s blog post is part of the My Discovery theme. Today - INSPIRATION!

This morning as I woke feeling overwhelmed, I started thinking about the yucky stuff in front of me that had accumulated over the past few weeks, on top of some rocky roads the past 8 months. [Brief Side Note: for those who have attended my presentations know I highly recommend …”before opening your eyes in the morning, smile, to jumpstart an intention of levity to your brain” thank goodness I did or it could have gotten ugly]

Let me try and harness the tumbleweed of thoughts that so commonly fill my mind and one remedy that provides inspiration on difficult mornings like today.

It is very easy to get overwhelmed, anxious and low down when life’s heavier situations feel like they’re coming at us like a leaf blower in the face! This morning waking up feeling more nay than yay, I relied on sentimental reassurance to ease the feelings of burden.

Since I was a very little girl I remember collecting, saving, clipping and displaying memories that make me smile. I continue this sentimental pastime still today. They were and continue to be wonderful reminders of experiences, loved ones, gifts received in a “saw this and thought of you” kind of way and so much more!

It was the action of going to these gems this morning to ease my heavy heart, that I realized it inspires me! I reminisce and reflect on pieces and I’m brought back to the memory of the experience and why I saved them. They ground me! They reassure me! They form a pleasant distraction! They inspire me to navigate through the struggle!

I share this with you Dear Readers, because you too may want to create a spot to gather and take comfort in your own collection of memories, in a playful way. It may be a shelf, a scrapbook, a shoebox or a drawer. The intent is to be a positive one and if it feels like clutter…yeah this particular idea isn’t a match for you, I get that. The idea is to be one that inspires and motivates, whether it is out in the open or tucked away when you need it. I’ve chosen to place mine where I pass by or sit each day. The first image in front of my desk and the second photo, in my Zen Den.


Thanks for reading and know that when the day presents you with an overwhelming, “yeah I’m struggling here” feeling, you are not alone, reach out, take it a moment at a time, take a breath and be kind to your awesome self !

Some of you may want to take a closer look. You just might find something you are connected to in my assemblage of memories.

Thanks for reading and as always, please reach out if I can assist in any way.



BONUS FEATURES: Kind of like at the end of movie…more info if you want it. …but not intended as essential to the plot itself.

Few tidbits some may be wondering: 1. I edit memory pieces from these two locations randomly and purely go with the feeling at the moment if something stays or goes. 2. I add new pieces as I am blessed with experiences that I want to hold on to. 3. I don’t dust too often so this really isn’t a problem at all....teeheehe. 4. While recently sorting through my past, I found a scrapbook of my collectables that I had not looked at in 25 years! A full page movie advertisement from the newspaper! Goodness who remembers The Blue Lagoon? Yeah, I was ready to let that one go! 5. And the answer is yes! if anyone is wondering if this feels vulnerable sharing these two images.

Staying true to keeping it real as I share stories and insight that may help and inspire others!

My Discovery - Let's Get Creative...

The following blog post is part of a My Discovery theme. This week’s entry..…by incorporating CREATIVITY into our lives I believe it allows our minds to explore, organize our racing thoughts, soften the day to day struggles with a brief respite and bring a sparkle of lightness into our hearts!

When I need to jumpstart ideas, settle my anxious brain or satisfy my personal desire for paper, I make time for hands on creativity. Now here is my struggle Dear Readers….previously I stayed away from the idea of creative time because of my self imposed, almost mantra(ish) “yeah, you’re not the creative one”. Ugh the number we do on ourselves!

Knowing that approach of negative self talk never serves me well, I made a change. I decided to be aware of the stifling, negative thoughts of comparing my level of creativity to others and what the end result would look like. Instead I decided to provide myself time to “explore creatively” with NO JUDGEMENT and have a positive come back line ready, just in case.

My take away to share with you is this: The more I allow myself the opportunity to create, keep the negative self talk at bay…..I enjoy the time and process that develops, though that part didn’t happen right away…..I have discovered, I enjoy quilling, artful journaling and collaging. Each relaxes me and clears my mind of static from constant thoughts.

If the creative struggle is real for you too, but you feel like exploring the benefits, my suggestions would be:

  • Give something/anything creative a try.

  • Remove expectation that it must look a certain way.

  • If there’s negative self talk holding you back, in any area of your life…be ready with

    “I’m going to be kind to my awesome self”

Above images are mini collages I made. All the pieces are repurposed cards, magazine clippings, old stamps and stock images. (I thought a couple looked like me) Quick little side note…I used small pieces of cardboard, because it felt less intimidating than a larger canvas. Know thyself!

As always I welcome your feedback, questions or calls. Check out my contact page to be in touch.

My Best, Maria


Here’s YOUR Reminder

We set reminders to stop at the market, to jump online to get a gift for Sally or to call and make an appointment for car repairs…but how about YOU! My constant vision is to offer motivation, tips and guidance that provides positivity and insight for an emotionally stronger YOU!

Self care is essential Dear Readers!

Below are personal reminders from a virtual talk I offer. Give a look! Heck print it out and put it on your fridge. It’s a new month which can be the ideal time to put new practices in place….actually let’s be serious ANY time is the IDEAL time!

Be aware, without the personal stories that virtually accompany the highlights below, information may not make total sense….some may perplex you. (hopefully not like you need a decoder ring…’member those?!)

If you’d like the story behind the highlights, please reach out! I would love to hear from you!

Sending smiles and positive energy your way.

Best, Maria

7 PNG Find Your Happy Place Highlights.png