self care

Save the toothpaste!

Wait! Close your eyes and smile first!.png

YUCK! Keeping it real and sharing that some mornings just start sour, even before getting out of bed. Not really sure how that happens. That whole “wrong side of the bed” really makes me wonder. Can anyone relate??

Several years ago I noticed this pattern of “first morning ughs” and realized it did not serve me well ! Waking and feeling down set the tone before I even put my feet on the floor. You can be pretty sure that nothing after that had a fighting chance of going well. “Someone squeezed the toothpaste in the middle”? ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME?!?! You get the larger picture I mean here, right?

If you can relate, you may want to give this a try… Here’s a practice I adopted years ago to jumpstart a positive start to my morning. Now those of you who have attended my talks know what I am about to say….wait for it….

Before opening my eyes in the morning, I Smile! :) Yup I put a big ole smile on my face and say something like “today I will look for the good and embrace the positive!” Doing this allows time for the endorphins from my oh so silly smile, to give me a mini boost.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this little tip is a “cure all” for the day. I’d bottle THAT real quick if it was. What I am saying is, each time we make a conscious effort for a positive thought/moment, we are sending an awesome message to our brain. Doing so allows ourselves a break from the “heavy”.

Throughout the day I may randomly close my eyes…good Lord not while driving… and repeat my morning practice. Another silly smile and another reminder that I’ve got this!

Come on give it a try:

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Put a big smile on your face…so big you feel it in your ears! Feel that flutter of “different”?!?

  3. Say something like “I embrace noticing the positive and will strive for a joyful heart”

  4. Open eyes

  5. Repeat at least 5-6 time a day

Extra Credit: When in another person’s company, and conversation is proving to be very challenging and stressful…go ahead close your eyes and do the steps above! It relives you momentarily from the stress of the person in front of you and there’s a comical bonus. Imagine the look on their face when they wonder what the heck you are doing??? After all we’re going for levity in our hearts!

For doses of motivation, guidance and sometimes quirky, follow me on Instagram.

Just imagine if we all master this now, once we are mask free there’s going to be a whole lot of visible smiles and lighter hearts for so many reason!

Thanks so much for reading and please reach out of you’d like to chat.

In The Beginning.......

When “this” all started I decided to snap pictures in order to capture what social distancing, quarantining and lock down looked like, for me. Well, pictures of the good stuff at least. I wanted to remember and preserve this unique time in my personal history. Equally important, I wanted a task that would distract, occupy and guide me to focus on the positive. A purpose and a put into practice “what I preach” plan.

For those who have attended my talks or participated in one on one sessions with me, know….I find great benefits and personal reward in breaking down goals and tasks into achievable, smaller steps, one at a time! Keeping a Next Step plan on my radar to master the larger challenge - motivates, satisfies and aids in keeping my anxiety manageable.

Take a look at previous blog posts for detailed inspiration of my Start A Notebook tips.

Challenge levels range, but each need a process of breaking them down, just the same. Truth be told, getting off the couch during a raging pandemic, while not working and a Netflix subscription can be challenging busters when the goal is to be vertical.

Each of the pictures represent moments that stood out to me…from needing to design and email a digital card to my Mom for Mother’s Day since I wouldn’t be seeing her, to creating a Time Capsule that I tossed under our porch during one of the many “At Holme” projects, to board games, breakfast in the greenhouse, decorating our door for a delightful 2 year old that came around in her wagon each day with her parents…...well she was in the wagon….. not her parents, to keeping our patio social distancing ready to welcome friends once we felt comfortable - outside only…and garden therapy in the yard to occupy my ever present swirling thoughts .

All were times that I chose to find the happy, at times breaking it into steps and made it a point to look up…literally, that is when I noticed a cloud passing the chimney at the perfect time to appear as smoke. It’s all how you look at it.

So Dear Readers, today I share these pictures to show some the ways I passed the time, insight to motivate you and the ever present invite to please let me know if there is something I can assist you with. Give it some thought. Let’s chat!

DISCLAIMER: Photos below are of the happy times! Please note……There were tears of sadness, mourning of the “normal” life and times of frustration and fear. Chose not to photograph them, but keeping it real and want you to know they happen too.