Q: What do people ask you to help them with? A. Great question! The need varies and is very individualized per person.

Topics are many, but a sampling includes: Getting unstuck, Mindful motivation for wellbeing practices. Focus on reducing anxiety and increasing insight for levity and prioritizing tasks and responsibilities. Motivation/personal facilitator! Explore “what could” be and jump in with out your floaties encouragement. Some folks want someone to hold them accountable to a task. Can’t stand my job: this one is very common and I’ll be the first to tell you that there is a whole exploration to ease those thoughts, feelings and move forward.

We set up what works best for you and then have checkpoints. You name it, there are tips and steps…Your Next Step, to put into practice, and get you moving forward!

Q: Where do 1:1 sessions take place? A: Sessions are available online, in person in Seekonk, MA or by telephone call.

Q: What about payment? A: Payment of cash/check, Venmo or credit card are accepted at the time of our session.

Q: Do I have to commit to a certain number of appointments before I start? A: You do not. At our initial 1/2 hour complimentary session we will discuss direction and possible time frame, but it is based on your wishes as we go along. Some clients are a few sessions to work on a particular focus and others want to continue an ongoing approach in a sounding board, accountability style.

Your journey ~ your choice!

Q: Do you offer gift certificates? A: Indeed I do. Reach out to me via phone or email

401-499-6764 or email link below.

Q: I still have questions, now what? A: Reach out via links below and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.