Here’s YOUR Reminder

We set reminders to stop at the market, to jump online to get a gift for Sally or to call and make an appointment for car repairs…but how about YOU! My constant vision is to offer motivation, tips and guidance that provides positivity and insight for an emotionally stronger YOU!

Self care is essential Dear Readers!

Below are personal reminders from a virtual talk I offer. Give a look! Heck print it out and put it on your fridge. It’s a new month which can be the ideal time to put new practices in place….actually let’s be serious ANY time is the IDEAL time!

Be aware, without the personal stories that virtually accompany the highlights below, information may not make total sense….some may perplex you. (hopefully not like you need a decoder ring…’member those?!)

If you’d like the story behind the highlights, please reach out! I would love to hear from you!

Sending smiles and positive energy your way.

Best, Maria

7 PNG Find Your Happy Place Highlights.png