Where It Started

One of the very first times I jumped in without my floaties and opened my heart to sharing with the world and even more scary, those around me, my inner thoughts that felt vulnerable yet oh so authentic, was when I started a blog!

As vibration builds around creating a Women’s Day Retreat , I reflect on that afternoon 12 years ago when I similarly reminded myself to BREATHE!

I was at a point in my life when my sons didn’t need me the same way. (Insert mini pang) They were 16 and 20 and by all indications didn’t want my help anymore. I was working part time at our local library and we were tasked with “teach yourself something in technology that you have no idea about”!

At the time I’m sure I grumbled with feeling overwhelmed with what I didn’t know, but was told to figure out.

I chose to learn how to write a blog! The format, design and computer “how to” was mine for the learning- which included head banging and frustration. As I put basics together and got to the point of selecting a name for my blog…I looked at a blank screen. I had been lost in mom mode for 20 years and I’m saying it right here….I felt lost when it came to ME! I asked myself “what do you have to talk about”?? I pondered a bit and then replied: Wait I’m more than a mom! I have More Than Mom Thoughts! and there it was dear readers….. my first blog was born!

A few years later Connect With Your Life blog followed and then in 2019 the launch of my business Your Next Step.

So peeps I’m here to say….do the things that scare you. Jump In Without Your Floaties! Be genuine to yourself and others and you will learn along the way that there are possibilities for the taking and creating! I am now blessed with hosting workshops, 1:1 client coaching and so much more based on emotional well-being, organizing thoughts and motivation to take your next step, whatever that looks like for you. For some it’s getting out of bed, others adding joy into their lives, tackling a dream or goal and some what to do after retirement. The core to accomplish each is discovering self care practices in a way you never thought of before.

I now sit a month away from my Women’s Day Retreat that I am creating and breathing life into! The passion and vibration is palpable!

So go ahead and read some of my older blog posts that share stories, tips, techniques around wellness and insight to what got me here and perhaps aha! moments for YOU! (Once on the blog page you can see a list of years of posts, if you wish.)

Let’s Connect!

Best wishes always,
