Yeah But...The Sunny Side!

You want a change! You want “things” to feel different! You want to start doing something or the all nagging you want to stop doing something!

To get from here to there we need to take steps. They can be big steps, they can be little steps and as I said to a client this week…there’s even nano-steps that take us places.

Today I share with you Dear Readers the most basic steps you can adopt to begin to make a change, to release a pressure, feel a change and do or not do the damn thing that gnaws at you.

STEP 1: Shout, outload what IT is! Go ahead I’ll wait…even if you don’t know what IT is……shout outload “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HECK IT IS!” Or perhaps you do know and you shout “I WANT TO HAVE MORE TIME TO DO THINGS FOR ME!”

STEP 2: Throughout the day be aware of SELF TALK to get you on your way to results! Notice each time your thoughts go in a negative direction of “ I can’t do that”, “ I’m too much of a klutz to take dance lessons”…Nip It, Nip It, Nip It! Did your Mom ever say….”If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!?” Well my Mom did, but what I didn’t learn until my later years is….my self talk mind says whatever the dang thing it wants, goodness knows, whenever the heck it wants, without me specifically telling it. We must work harder (but oh so worth it ) to outsmart that negative chatter!

STEP 3: Yeah But Follow Up! Once you become aware of the negative thoughts that pop up, respond with a Yeah But to complete the thought! Here’s an example “No way I can do that, I’m not good with computers….WAIT FOR IT……YEAH BUT, I’m making changes to think positively and can definitely begin to learn how to share an attachment on an email!” Or how about “there’s no time for me, everybody just takes from me……. YEAH BUT, my emotional and physical wellbeing is up to me and I choose positive results!” Boom! drop the mic!

The more you can rewire your self talk, to be a voice of reassurance, positivity and kick ass motivation, the more beneficial your steps will be and they will take you in the right direction….even if you are not sure, YET, where you want to go!

Best Always!


BONUS FOOTAGE: What are your thoughts?? I am thinking about holding periodic, virtual Let’s Get Positive with Self Talk, group chats. Still designing it and looking to see if that is something you would think of dropping in on? Would love to get your input how that could feel like a match and be comfortable to attend. Please email, message, or text me….links below or in CONTACT tab above. Many thanks!