Together While Apart

In the Spirit of creating joy this week of Christmas, I share with you Dear Readers a letter I sent to family and friends a couple of weeks ago. It’s a tradition that speaks to the meaning of Christmas for me and this year I’m choosing to share it with others….even more! Please join in if it speaks to you!


Greetings Family and Friends!

In looking to spread good cheer, I got to thinking that since this holiday season will be very different and many folks can’t be together….physically anyway - let’s be Together While Apart!

Some of you know the tradition here at the Holme home, from when the boys were very little, has been “preparing baby Jesus’ bed for Christmas Eve” during advent. Warms this Mamma’s heart that it continues even now that they are grown and out of the house. You can read a post on a previous blog I wrote that speaks to the joy of continuing the tradition.

Doing so includes receiving a piece or pinch of straw for doing random acts of kindness, good deeds and brightening someone’s day. 

I still have vivid memories from when they were very young of finding my side of the bed turned down or fresh toothpaste ready for me on my toothbrush. :)

When the boys were of school age, sharing included how they let a classmate go first on the slide or held the door open for someone. Good deeds of recent years for me include delivering cranberry bread to staff at a doctor’s office or reaching something on the top shelf at the market for a struggling customer…ah to not be in a covid world, baking for others and being in the market….I yearn for those days.

So how about, in a way for us to be together in a joyful spirit….whoever is interested in joining in…….can brighten someone’s day, however you like, how often you like and then just dash me a text, call or email that just says “put a piece or a pinch of straw in for me” !

Ideas that don’t involve leaving the house…. call someone who you haven’t spoken with in a while, surprise a loved one at home - you decide how, leave a note for your mail delivery person, make cards, rock it ‘ole school and send a handwritten letter to a friend, family member, or former teacher, boss or mentor!

However, you and perhaps your family members too, want to participate is great -  just keep it with pandemic safe guidelines in mind!

On Christmas Eve we sing Happy Birthday as we put the baby Jesus in place, knowing our hearts and his bed are ready to receive.

The picture above shows good deeds are underway… oh and a very favorite picture of my sister and I! Yes I’ve let my bangs grow out…and have had many hairstyles in between.

Can’t tell you the joy I felt this week when my Dad called, from his assisted living apartment and said “put a piece in for me”! I haven’t seen him in person or hugged him since March…my heart smiled to know he was joining in and that we are in joyful Spirit….Together While Apart!

So go ahead brighten someone’s day and believe me it will your own too. Then if you like send me a message on FB, text or call me 401-499-6764 and just let me know “put a piece or pinch of straw in for me” and I will add some because of you!

Let’s be “Together While Apart”

Blessings of the Season!
